Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 14/02/2007
Author Updating by ACASH is in process
Published By Ministry of Works and Urban Development, Ethiopia
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

Affordable Houses for Middle and Low Income Group

Housing stock in Ethiopia:  1994 census result shows that the total housing units of Ethiopia is 1,482,589 and 374,742 that had been estimated to rose up to 444,742 by the year 2000 for Addis Ababa. Housing deficit: The study of Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) undertaken in 2006 indicated that the housing deficit in the urban area of the country is 900,000 out of which 450,000 is the share of (Addis Ababa AACA, 2006). Similarly, ORAAMP estimated the housing units to be built up to 2006 are 314,422. 50% of the urban housing stock is in poor or irreparable condition (PADCO1997). Occupancy: The number of households of urban area at national level is 3,009,285 and households in Addis Ababa are 651,970. (Census result 2007). The average national household size in the urban area is 3.9 while the Addis Ababa household size is 4.1. (Census report 2007). Persons per housing unit are 5.5 and the number of house hold per housing unit is 1.1(CSA, 1999). The average floor area per person is about 12m2. Housing standard: 97.4% housing stock built with permanent structure of which 82.3% are made of mud and wood. 80% of the citizens are living in substandard houses. Tenure of households: Land is a common property of nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia and shall not be subject to sale. Land is to be leased to commerce or made available for voluntary settlements. Freehold lands occupied by private owners are expected to pay land rent.

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