Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Affordable Housing Peel

This paper builds on the previous 2010 Regional Housing Strategy which included a comprehensive housing amendment to the Regional Official Plan (ROP). In addition, as a result of the Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011, this paper recommends introducing policies permitting second units in single-detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, row-house dwellings, and buildings or structures ancillary to dwellings. As well, minor accessibility-related changes to housing policies will be made to ensure alignment with the AODA, 2005. Recommended policy directions resulting from this paper will be considered as part of the current Peel 2041 Regional Official Plan Review, Housing Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) process. Bill 7 enables municipalities to require developers to provide affordable housing (units or gross floor area) in development projects and ensure affordability over time, known as inclusionary zoning. This planning tool is seen as an opportunity to provide a Regional directive policy that can provide a level of consistency and fairness across Peel. Also, given the Region’s role as Service Manager, we are better equipped to support local inclusionary zoning programs by providing implementation assistance and considering measures and incentives.

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