The current housing situation in Tanzania is characterized by many challenges which call for collaborative efforts from many sectors. It has been observed that low-quality housing is prevalent in rural areas while the situation in urban areas is that of low-quality houses for low-income groups, inadequacy, and scarcity of dwelling space hence overcrowding and inability to access decent housing because of income poverty. This has been found to be compounded by rural-urban migration, natural population growth, and uncoordinated efforts among the actors in affordable housing delivery. According to the Household Budget survey main report of 2011/12, on average 60.6% of households were constructed with earth floors, with non-durable walls was 51.8% and those with non-durable roofs were over 50%. At the same time, previous research reveal that the housing requirement for the country in the next 10-15 years is estimated at 2,000,000 units in urban areas and about 7,000,000 units in the rural areas. The situation poses a big challenge to those involved in affordable housing delivery services for low income earners.
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Document Type | General |
Publish Date | 18/08/2015 |
Author | Updating by ACASH is in process |
Published By | National Housing & Building Research Agency |
Edited By | Tabassum Rahmani |