Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Affordable Housing Crisis Density is Our Destiny

The critical need for affordable housing is the issue of the day in Santa Clara County … and our cities are flailing. Higher densities are a necessary solution, but cities are not fully embracing this solution in the face of resident resistance, and a lack of funding, land, and urgency. In addition, there is confusion as to the effect of higher densities on traffic congestion.

California’s report card gives Santa Clara County (County) cites an F. Everyone shares the blame and the challenge. A city marches to the beat of its populace, and with citizen resistance, the affordable housing crisis continues.

However, innovation-focused Silicon Valley points to some affordable housing successes. In December 2017, the Mountain View City Council approved general development plans for nearly 10,000 housing units. This North Bayshore plan includes 2,000 affordable units, 30% more than officials envisioned just a few years earlier. The County’s other successes include the new 262-unit Alexander Station in Gilroy, with every unit priced for below-median-income households, and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) organized housing efforts.

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