Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 16/09/2010
Author The city of calgary
Published By Office of Land Servicing & Housing, The City of Calgary
Edited By Tabassum Rahmani
affordable housing design

Affordable Housing Design & Development Guidelines

What is Affordable Housing Design Guidlines?

The Affordable Housing Design & Development Guidelines is an educational resource providing guidance to non-profit and private sector advocates and developers of affordable housing in Calgary.

The Affordable Housing Design & Development Guidelines offer practical advice and design suggestions for the successful creation of affordable housing.

The Guidelines also present key principles that should be considered when developing an affordable housing project.

The Affordable Housing Design & Development Guidelines is primarily intended for multi-residential rental developments, however, the principles within the document could be applicable to affordable homeownership and townhomes.

The Guidelines have been prepared to replace the existing Locational Guidelines for Non-market Housing and distinguish ―affordable housing from―special care housing.

The Guidelines focus solely on the development of affordable housing and do not cover special care housing.

The purpose of the Guidelines is to promote and positively influence the development of affordable housing as it is not a defined use under the Land Use Bylaw.

Here are some common components found in affordable housing design guidelines:

1. The Affordable Housing Design Provides Space Efficiency:

The area optimization is increased for making affordable housing work.

Open layouts are made with room height, building cabinets and shelves into the walls, using vertical space and adjustable furniture for more space.

Further, includes placing windows accordingly for more brighter and bigger room.

This can make your small homes a comfortable place.

2. Universal Design:

Universal design are the common design for the ease of everyone.

It includes changeable layouts along with wider doors other and safety features.

They also have good optics and technological requirements.

They also include amenities and features that cover many requirements. The idea is to make sure that the homes are comfy, safe, and welcoming for everyone.

3. Energy Efficiency:

This is another way of reducing the living expenses by making the efficient energy system.

This includes insulated walls, renewable energy sources which also contribute to the environmental factor.

Further appliances with low energy consumption, and proper energy management systems are included.

This not only reduce the cost but also reduce dependency on conventional energy systems.

4. Natural Lighting and Ventilation:

Maximizing natural light and ventilation in housing design improves indoor comfort, reduces energy consumption, and promotes health and well-being.

Natural light creates a sense of spaciousness and warmth while reducing the need for artificial lighting, leading to lower energy bills and environmental impact.

Well-ventilated spaces enhance air circulation, reduce indoor pollutants, and contribute to better respiratory health and comfort.

5. Community Spaces:

Designing common areas and outdoor spaces that encourage social interaction, recreation, and community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging among residents.

6. Mixed-Use Development:

Encouraging the integration of residential, commercial, and recreational facilities within the same development to create vibrant, walkable neighborhoods and reduce transportation costs.

7. Affordable Materials and Construction Techniques:

Recommending the use of cost-effective and locally available building materials and construction methods to keep development costs low without compromising quality or safety.

8. Transit-Oriented Development:

Prioritizing locations with access to public transportation, amenities, and employment opportunities to reduce commuting times and expenses for residents.

9. Sustainable Land Use:

Promoting responsible land use practices that preserve natural resources, protect biodiversity, and mitigate environmental risks such as flooding or pollution.

10. Resilience and Disaster Preparedness:

Incorporating measures to enhance resilience to natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, ensuring the safety and stability of affordable housing developments in vulnerable areas.

By following these guidelines, developers, architects, and policymakers can create affordable housing that not only meets the basic need for shelter but also enhances the quality of life for residents and contributes to the long-term sustainability of communities. Further, they need to seek different strategies of affordability to come up with different affordable housing designs.

These guidelines are prepared keeping in view the affordable housing designs requirements of the city of Calgary, Canada.

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