Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date10/09/2020
AuthorHemanta Doloi, Sally Donovan
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Affordable Housing for Smart Villages

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Document Type:General
Publish Date:2020
Primary Author:Hemanta Doloi, Sally Donovan
Edited By:Suneela Farooqi

Rural villages were  identical  as self-sufficient agricultural communities with  lack of electricity ,telecommunications links and some others basic  essentially cut off from the rest of world. The local architecture in these areas reflected this self-sufficiency and isolation as houses were built by  locally sourced materials and designed made of the local climate and culture. But The concept of a “Smart Village” has  developed to this changing nature of rural areas. This would see the transformation of these struggling communities into thriving, self-sufficient .  The main focus of the Smart Village concept is to create income-generating opportunities which are attracting young people back to these areas with the enhancement of local skill level to reduce their dependence on external resources. Now the rural villages  have  information and enhancing income generation potential. Small businesses will gain information that could help enhance the quality and quantity of their production. For example, farmers could learn ways to improve their crop yields.  Through  internet  they can communicate  with their customers in a proper way and full fill the need . The providing appropriate affordable housing in diverse communities will be a key component of transforming decrepit rural areas into Smart Villages.

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