Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date26/03/2020
Published ByCapitola Municipal
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani


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Document Type:General
Publish Date:March 26, 2020
Primary Author:Capitola Municipal
Edited By:Tabassum Rahmani
Published By:Capitola Municipal

A decent home and suitable living environment for all Capitola residents and workers is a priority of the highest order. To this end, the housing element of the Capitola general plan discusses and analyzes the need to provide housing for senior citizens, disabled persons, single parent families, homeless persons and homeless families, and families of very low, low and moderate income levels. Similarly, the general plan housing element outlines the extremely high cost of housing both regionally and within the city. With respect to affordable housing in the city, the housing element articulates, among others, Policies 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 intended to advance the general plan goal to “Encourage New Affordable Housing Opportunities Through Construction Of New Units.” These policies encourage the adoption of an inclusionary housing ordinance, which provides for construction of affordable housing units in connection with private market rate residential development or the payment of in lieu affordable housing fees in connection with market rate residential development, and further encourage the establishment of a housing trust fund to be used to facilitate the development of new affordable housing in the city.

In addition, state law including but not limited to the California Redevelopment Law and State Housing Law, articulate policies and goals, and impose legal obligations upon California cities, counties and redevelopment agencies, relative to the creation and provision of affordable housing by communities throughout the state, including the city of Capitola.

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