Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Affordable Housing Incentives Guidelines Implementing

As required by State law, the Municipal Code implements the State’s density bonus provisions by setting forth the density bonus program requirements, incentives and procedures. These Guidelines more fully describe the density bonus provisions and qualifying criteria; the incentives available to qualifying projects; and the procedures whereby projects may apply for a bonus and incentives.

State law provides an automatic 20% density bonus for housing projects that set aside 100% of the housing for senior citizens. There are no income or rent restrictions for this bonus. As an incentive to provide affordable housing for seniors, senior housing projects that set aside at least 10% of the units for Lower Income seniors or 5% of the units for Very Low-Income seniors will qualify for an additional 15% density bonus, for a total density bonus of 35%. All senior housing projects are required to sign a Covenant with the Los Angeles Housing Department assuring that the units are restricted to seniors for a period of 30 years.

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