Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Affordable Housing Solutions for Metropolitan Atlanta Area


The focus of this paper is to analyze the solutions available to the Georgia state government and local governments in order to solve the issue of affordable housing shortage in the Metropolitan Atlanta Area. The issue is multi-fold and complex, in large part due to the fact that Metropolitan Atlanta is a changing and growing entity made up of a multitude of county governments and municipalities. The Metropolitan Statistical Area now encompasses 28 counties, up from 20 counties in 1999 (See Figure 1 in Appendix). While Atlanta Regional Commission provides great research and guidance in the area, it does not have the authority to implement a region-wide affordable housing policy. The affordable housing issue is complex and highly contested. When thinking about affordable housing in their communities, home builders’ associations and real estate agents fear decreased property values, while neighborhood associations fear increased crime in their communities. Lower-income earners fear having their rents raised and being forced to move outside of the service area of public transportation.

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