Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 11/07/2011
Author Updating by ACASH is in process
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Sayef Hussain

Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020 Opening Doors To Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020 Opening Doors To Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020 Opening Doors To Affordable Housing

The document titled “Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020: Opening Doors to Affordable Housing” outlines the strategic approach taken by the Government of Western Australia to address the growing need for affordable housing. The strategy aims to provide real opportunities for individuals and families on low-to-moderate incomes, ensuring they have access to suitable housing options. The plan emphasizes collaboration with various stakeholders, including private developers and community organizations, to create a sustainable and diverse housing landscape.

Context and Rationale

The strategy was developed in response to an enduring shortage of affordable housing in Western Australia, which has led to increased financial stress for many households. The government recognizes that without adequate housing, social dysfunction and economic underachievement are likely to escalate. Thus, this ten-year strategy seeks to tackle these challenges head-on by opening doors for those on low-to-moderate incomes.

Vision and Goals

The overarching vision of the strategy is to create an affordable housing system that is:

  • Available: Housing options must be accessible when needed.
  • Affordable: Homes should be within the financial reach of low-to-moderate income households.
  • Appropriate: Housing must meet the diverse needs of individuals and families.

To achieve this vision, the strategy sets a target of delivering 20,000 additional affordable homes by 2020.

Key Strategies

The document outlines several key strategies aimed at reshaping the housing landscape:

1. Strengthening Social Housing

This strategy focuses on enhancing the social housing sector by:

  • Implementing coordinated service delivery between public and not-for-profit providers.
  • Allocating resources effectively to ensure efficient outcomes for clients.
  • Establishing a Housing Needs Register to improve coordination and match client needs with appropriate solutions.

2. Improving Housing Supply

To increase the overall supply of affordable housing, the plan emphasizes:

  • Streamlining planning processes to expedite approvals for new developments.
  • Encouraging innovative financing mechanisms that do not increase government debt.
  • Promoting partnerships with private developers to boost housing stock.

3. Enabling Successful Transitions

The strategy aims to support individuals in transitioning from social housing to mainstream housing by:

  • Providing options and support for tenants seeking permanent housing solutions.
  • Creating pathways that allow capable tenants to move into private rental markets.

Breakthrough Initiatives

The strategy identifies ten breakthrough initiatives designed to facilitate its goals. These include:

  • Affordable Land Initiatives: Implementing incentives for developers to provide affordable land within commercial developments.
  • Increased Investment: Committing government funds towards affordable housing projects and leveraging private investment.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local communities in decision-making processes regarding housing developments.

Monitoring Progress

To ensure accountability, the strategy outlines mechanisms for monitoring progress against set targets. This includes regular reporting on the number of new affordable homes delivered and assessing the effectiveness of initiatives implemented.


In conclusion, the “Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020” represents a comprehensive approach by the Government of Western Australia to address the critical issue of affordable housing. By focusing on strengthening social housing, improving supply, and enabling successful transitions, the strategy aims to create a more equitable housing system that meets the needs of all residents. The emphasis on collaboration with various stakeholders and community involvement is crucial for fostering sustainable solutions that can adapt to changing demographics and economic conditions. Ultimately, this strategic plan serves as a roadmap for creating lasting change in the affordable housing landscape, ensuring that all individuals have access to secure and suitable homes.

Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020 Opening Doors To Affordable Housing

Further reading:
[PDF] Opening Doors to Affordable Housing – Government of Western Australia

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