Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 08/02/2012
Author Michael Majale, Graham Tipple, Matthew French, Remy Sietchiping
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Suneela Farooqi
Affordable Land and Housing In Africa

Affordable Land and Housing In Africa

Affordable Land and Housing In Africa

The majority of countries’ access to affordable land and housing is a critical contemporary challenge.

The universal truism is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the vast majority of urban residents to obtain & retain adequate and affordable land and housing.

The affordable land and housing in Africa is difficult like Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Europe and North America.

Here you will find the exploration of the major trends in housing conditions, availability, quality, and tenure and analyses of housing policy responses to address growing affordability problems and the improvement of substandard housing conditions.

Affordable Land and Housing In Africa

The continent of Africa is the most rural region in the world and is fast urbanizing.

Every day for the coming fifteen years, Africa’s cities will have to accommodate an average of extra 40,000 people.

Urbanization will continue to place immense strain on affordable urban land and housing provision in the coming decades.

The Pro-poor proactive action by African governments to provide affordable land and housing is crucial to reverse the trend that new migrants settle in largely informal.

There are few other affordable housing options available to them.

Also read: Housing Challenges in African Cities

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