Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date05/10/2020
Published BySHS Consulting
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani


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Document Type:General
Publish Date:5-Oct-20
Primary Author:SHS Consulting
Edited By:Tabassum Rahmani
Published By:SHS Consulting

A key component in creating strong, inclusive communities and economic prosperity is ensuring that Albertans have a broad range of affordable housing options. While the Government of Alberta and its housing partners have made significant progress in addressing the need for housing along the entire affordable housing continuum (from emergency shelter to near-market apartments), the need for affordable housing for vulnerable Albertans continues to grow. Economic uncertainty in Alberta is challenging the financial sustainability of the affordable housing system in this province.

The case for affordable housing is clear. Albertans need safe, suitable and affordable housing to participate successfully in the economy and society. There are many challenges for affordable housing programs in Alberta. Some Albertans cannot find housing because they require specialized housing that can address unique safety and service needs. A larger number of Albertans cannot find housing because the market does not provide housing they can afford or housing that meets the need of those with physical or social barriers. Housing market changes do not line up with shifts in household income or demographics, with housing prices and rental rates often lagging behind shifts in the economy and unique local conditions. Certain populations are more likely to experience housing needs than others and require targeted approaches.

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