Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
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Canada: An Affordable Housing

There is along history in Canada of governments, groups and individuals working together to provide affordable housing. Filling that need continues to be an important part of building a successful country. We know that affordable housing makes a powerful, positive contribution to the economy, to a better environment, to healthier communities and healthier people. Toronto is a major driver of Canada’s economy, and affordable housing is a key factor in the City’s economic success. It helps to create jobs and to attract and retain skilled key workers and business investment. Affordable housing is an important factor in creating healthy, diverse and prosperous neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods where people with a mix of incomes live in a range of housing tenures and types are safe and healthy places to live. Strong and diverse communities enhance the quality of life for both owners and renters and improve liveability, which is strongly linked to a city’s prosperity. Affordable housing is also an investment in health promotion and illness prevention, which can reduce health care costs.

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