Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Publish Date21/12/2007
Published ByAHURI-Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani

Australia – International Trends in Housing and Policy Responses

This study provides a review of housing policies across an array of countries that have a similar level of economic development to that of Australia but have addressed housing questions in different ways. It aims to increase local understanding of international policy in housing, with a focus on social policies that intend to assist lower-income households to obtain appropriate and affordable housing and to promote good ideas for policy action for consideration by Australian policymakers. While having many similar economic and demographic characteristics to Australia, these countries have diverse housing systems that offer a rich source of contemporary policy lessons, innovations, and ideas. Although other countries were considered for the study, the final selection was based on the manageability of the research, accessibility of information and national and regional experts to the researchers, and a preliminary assessment of the potential to source policy developments of relevance and interest to Australia.

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