Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 05/06/2019
Author Working- is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Building Affordable in Salt Lake City: an Affordable Residential Development Guide

Salt Lake City has the fastest growing cities and this growth in population and employment supports a vibrant community in which many want to live and work. In this city developers  have challenged as a limited to building units and  increased costs of land, materials, and labor. Due to these reasons the home prices and the cost of rent are high. The housing crisis Salt Lake City  is increasing day by day and they are prepared a five year housing plan 2018-2022 with innovative solutions to housing affordability for residents. It is a significant commitment of resources to effectively develop a project and there developers build or renovate, sell or lease, self-finance. The developers will develop new or underutilized housing that is the unique needs of the City’s diverse population and improve housing choices into the future as well as implemented strategies should be preserve a range of low-income housing and rehabilitate  aging or in-disrepair housing stock that is affordable and the developer will promote transit-oriented development means walkable communities and models  which minimize the need for cars or parking stalls.

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