Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 12/12/2019
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

Building Healthy Communities through Health Care and Affordable Housing Synergies

The United States has to experience record numbers of mass shootings and suicides is rising by homeless people. This issue impact socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.  The only solution is for them to create healthy communities built houses. So developers viewed that healthy structured safe homes and other environmentally friendly homes and some developers are thinking of another direction that is to access good schools, restaurants, movie theaters, and good public transportation. It has been observed that poor housing quality is one of the strongest reasons for emotional and behavioral problems in low-income children and residents. These families could not afford housing and basic necessities for example food and medical care facilities.

In Massachusetts, Boston Medical Center committed to invest $6.5 million in affordable housing to improve community health and patient outcomes while reducing medical costs.11 In Oregon, six health care organizations contributed $21.5 million to three housing projects designed to address Portland’s pressing affordable housing, homelessness, and health care challenges.12 And as described in the case studies below, Colorado affordable housing developers are collaborating with hospitals and health care organizations to provide co-located housing and services.

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