Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 20/07/2023
Author Danielle M, Mazzella and Mark Stivers
Published By CHCP
Edited By Saba Bilquis

California Affordable Housing Needs Report 2023

California Affordable Housing Needs Report 2023

California Affordable Housing Needs Report 2023

California’s affordable housing needs, require a long-term, comprehensive, evidence-based set of policy solutions at scale, similar to those described in the Roadmap Home 2030. The Roadmap Home 2030 lays out a bold vision for solving California’s affordable housing and homelessness challenges over a 10-year period.

Key findings

  1. Median rent in California has increased 38% since 2000 while median renter household income has only increased by 7% (adjusted for inflation).
  2. Renters need to earn 2.9 times the state minimum wage to afford the average asking rent in California, which increased by 4%.
  3. Although California has more than tripled production of new affordable homes in the past four years, the state is only funding 20% of what is needed to meet its goals.
  4. California spends twice as much supporting homeowners than renters and only 17% of renter resources are permanent compared to 97% of the support for homeowners.
  5. 79% of extremely low-income (ELI) renter households are paying more than half of their income on housing costs compared to 6% of moderate-income renter households.
  6. Black renter households are 41% more severely cost-burdened than white renter households.

Further reading: Fact sheet 9: What is affordable housing
[PDF] Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Public File
[PDF] Affordable Housing – American Bar Association americanbar
[PDF] Affordable Housing – American Bar Association americanbar

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