Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date22/11/2013
Published ByCommunity Research Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of Regina
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani

Canada – Current Situation and Solutions From Other Communities – Homelessness in Regina

This report was prepared for Carmichael Outreach, a community-based organization that provides housing and support services to citizens of Regina. The objectives of the report are to provide an overview of the city’s housing and homelessness situation (e.g., available housing, number of homeless individuals, barriers that homeless individuals face, and available support services) and to examine successful housing strategies of other municipalities. With a 1.9% vacancy rate and a lack of adequate and affordable housing Regina are in the midst of the housing crisis. Although data on the cities homeless is incomplete, a research report published in 2010 indicates that approximately 4 500 unique individuals use an emergency or transitional shelter during a year. When we consider the hidden homeless the number of homeless individuals may be two to three times greater than the actual count.

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