Housing is a basic social aspiration and indicator of living quality. Affordable Housing (AH) is socio-political agenda in any democratic country which ensures every family has a shelter to reckon with. India intensified its search for alternate options to AH as around 1.77 million people live without a roof over their heads (Jha, 2013) and around 10 million of the houses are dilapidated state while around 7 million are living unlivable conditions (MHA, 2011). Housing policies in India evolved with country’s transformation since Independence. These policies shaped the vision of quality living and devised tools to resolve the housing need. Recently launched housing policy Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY2015) attempts to accommodate development dynamics and aspiration of the country at present.
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Author | Working is in progress in ACASH |
Published By | Check Laterr |
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