Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date13/05/2020
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

City of Richmond – Affordable Housing Guide

Richmond is home to a range of affordable housing options for low and middle-income households, including individuals, families, persons with disabilities, and seniors. This guide contains information on how to apply for a range of affordable housing options available in the city. The Affordable Housing Guide is divided into three sections based on different types of affordable housing available in Richmond and includes three categories The non-market housing; housing co-operatives and the third one is low-end Market Rental (LEMR) units.

Since the City’s first Affordable Housing Strategy was adopted in 2007, the City of Richmond in partnership with other stakeholders, has supported the creation of more than 2,000 new affordable housing units for residents. The Affordable Housing Strategy 2017–2027 guides the City’s response to creating and maintaining safe, suitable and affordable housing options for Richmond residents. A central focus of the strategy is to ensure that the city is successful in providing a range of housing options for households of different ages, family types and incomes. The affordable housing options are for individuals who fall under one or more of the priority groups identified in the strategy.

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