Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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City of Richmond Affordable Housing Resource Guide July 2015

The OCP is a legally required City Bylaw that enables Council to plan, coordinate and manage City interests for social, economic, and environmental sustainability, and land use over the long term. Approved in November 2012, the 2041 OCP Bylaw 9000, provides a vision for the future of the City to the target year of 2041 and is meant to provide certainty for residents, land owners, and the general public, about how growth in the City will be managed and shaped in the next 30 years.

The OCP is a legally required City Bylaw that enables Council to plan, coordinate and manage City interests for social, economic, and environmental sustainability, and land use over the long term. Approved in November 2012, the 2041 OCP Bylaw 9000, provides a vision for the future of the City to the target year of 2041 and is meant to provide certainty for residents, land owners, and the general public, about how growth in the City will be managed and shaped in the next 30 years. Besides being required to meet Provincial legislative requirements such as addressing Greenhouse Gas [GHG] policies and targets, and preparing Regional Context Statements [RCS] indicating how Richmond will meet Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy, the OCP also establishes housing policies that will allow Richmond to meet housing needs for a period of at least five years.

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