Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 16/03/2023
Author Jan Bredenoord and Yask Kulshreshtha
Published By Sustainability
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Compressed Stabilized Earthen Blocks and Their Use in Low-Cost Social Housing

Compressed Stabilized Earthen Blocks and Their Use in Low-Cost Social Housing

Earthen techniques have been historically used in the construction of housing in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In the past two decades, the interest in earthen materials has grown considerably, leading to the development of sustainable materials such as compressed earth blocks (CEB), compressed stabilized earth blocks (CSEB), and interlocking stabilized soil blocks (ISSB). Scientific publications from various countries and contexts have examined the physical aspects of these earthen building materials, but so far, the results are not well connected to housing practices for low-income households with their self-organizing skills.

This research sought to close this gap by documenting the housing projects where earth blocks are applied in participatory social housing. The study provides an overview of relevant practical examples from the three world regions (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), with their cultural and climatic differences, and an analysis of similarities and possibilities. Based on the lessons learned from these examples, recommendations are made for further research on sustainable building materials within social housing practices, which can benefit the scientific community.

We propose to set up a worldwide database of housing projects where earthen techniques have been applied responsibly. We conclude and recommend that more high-quality pilot projects with CSEB and ISSB are needed to get a broader picture of the potential of these materials for social housing, and the necessary support for local communities wishing to be involved in these sustainable housing practices.

Also Read: Social Housing Principles

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