Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date11/12/2019
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Construction and Development Opportunities – Our Housing Future 2020-2030

The South Australia Housing Authority is to engage their construction and developers to work with us to build more suitable social housing and more affordable housing for South Australian people. The government provides them a strategy with aims to coordinate activity and opportunities across the housing sector to deliver 20,000 housing by 2030. This is a long-term development and renewal activity that will provide a significant stimulus to the residential construction industry and also support economic activity and produce hundreds of jobs over the coming decade. In addition to that more than 1000 homes are being constructed as part of Community Housing Asset and Investment Plans and the government to give incentives through the planning system will aim to encourage the development of a further 5000 affordable housing by 2030.

SA Housing Authority will progressively release engagement, development and partnership opportunities via a series of requests for Expressions of Interest, commencing February 2020. Fair and transparent public tender processes will ensure probity and the best value-for-money solutions are competitively identified.

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