Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Global – Designing Affordable Housing for Adaptability

In the realm of architecture and urban planning in the western world, sustainable development is no longer perceived as a novel idea pertinent to only certain locations, populations, or building typologies. Many standards of building and development are changing across the board. It is no longer environmentally or economically feasible to continue past trends of energy and resource consumption for constructing and operating the built environment. While environmental and economic sustainability have been driving factors in the movement towards a more resilient built environment, the importance of social sustainability is another factor that has received significantly less attention over the years. Typically, only affluent populations have had access to environmentally sustainable building solutions, which in turn provides more economically sustainable living situations those that already have money. Meanwhile, populations of lesser affluence have not had the opportunity to invest in more environmentally sustainable endeavors, and are stuck paying high energy and water prices that others are able to avoid. The result is a state of social inequality that is even worse than before the growing trend of sustainable building practices.

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