Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date11/12/2019
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Designing, Passing, and Implementing Effective Land Use Reform

Land-use reform has become an important topic in cities and states to deal with housing affordability as a challenge in supply-constrained markets.  It is time to modify land-use regulations to increase supply and reduce the costs of land as well as to confront a legacy of exclusionary zoning. The process of reforms in fact is a lengthy process and takes years and years but this process is necessary for the affordability of housing. In California, the state has provided billions in funding for affordable housing and established many new policies to protect tenants, best development plans, and finally loosen regulations on Accessory Dwelling Units. It is roughly estimated that three million Californians are to be supposed rent-burdened,  1.7 million are severely rent-burdened, and homeless people across the state and this crisis of California cannot be minimize housing access and affordability challenges unless it makes comprehensive land-use reform as part of the solution.

California’s land use reform efforts will take center stage in 2020 with multiple bills moving forward in the legislature. Given the progress that has been made on land use reform in jurisdictions across the country, and as debates and discussions gear up with the new legislative session, California has an opportunity to learn from what has worked (and what has proved challenging) elsewhere. To help inform policy discussions in California, the Terner Center reviewed planning documents, interviewed local stakeholders and officials, and convened a public discussion with stakeholders and practitioners involved in five land use reform efforts throughout the country.

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