Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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India – Determinants of Financial Inclusion of Urban Poor

An empirical analysis of financial inclusion of urban poor in India. Most studies in the literature discussed the financial inclusion of poor rural households. There is a need to study the issue of the financial inclusion of the urban poor in order to formulate appropriate strategies for enhancing the inclusion of the urban poor. A study focusing on earning and expenditure patterns, saving and credit patterns and other related issues will help to understand the needs of the urban poor and help to design appropriate financial inclusion schemes for urban poor. The objective of this paper is to analyze the nature, and characteristics of urban slum dwellers in Pune, a large city of India and the determinants of financial inclusion based on a household survey at an identified slum area.  Financial inclusion is crucial for the inclusive and sustainable economic growth of developing countries. Access to financial services to all citizens, particularly to low-income and poor people is a key to promoting inclusive growth. While rural financial inclusion assumes importance from policymakers and academicians, urban financial inclusion needs urgent attention with rapidly increasing urbanization, unique requirements of the urban population and increasing poor and low-income population living in urban areas, particularly slum areas. The paper attempts to analyze the nature, characteristics and determinants of financial inclusion in Pune, a large city of India based on a household survey at an identified slum area. Empirical findings of the survey include the socio-economic characteristics and banking behavior of households Furthermore, the paper identifies the major determinants of the level of financial inclusion using a multiple regression model using socio-economic characteristics of the households. Finally, the paper suggests appropriate policies and strategies for enhancing financial inclusion in urban areas through building low cost personalized distribution network, creating asset-linked and collateral-free credit schemes, leveraging Aadhar (biometric identity card) platform, creating targeted product and service offering, strengthening business correspondent cells, and setting up urban financial inclusion centers.

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