Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Planning Policy Statement on Affordable Housing (draft)

The local housing market continues to face difficulties and there remain significant numbers of people in housing need. As of 31 March 2013 there were over 41000 applicants registered on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) ‘Common Waiting List’. This represents an all-time peak in housing demand and there is no expectation that this level of need will reduce in the near future. In relation to lower-cost market housing, first-time buyers and lower-income households continue to face difficulties in accessing housing at open market rates. Although house price to income ratios are now at much more sustainable levels, labor market uncertainty and the larger deposits required by lenders have made it more difficult for such households to access housing.

Addressing these issues means increasing access to good quality affordable housing. Development plans will continue to be the primary mechanism to facilitate any identified need for affordable housing, either through zoning land for social/affordable housing or by indicating through key site requirements where a proportion of a housing site should be provided as social housing.



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