Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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India: Effective Application of PPP in Affordable Housing Project

In developing India, we faced the problem of shelter to accommodate growing migration of people to cities in search of employment. If housing projects are channelized properly then we provide the houses with minimum valuation i.e. Budget homes. Public private partnership is one of the solution for successful completion of affordable housing projects. However application of PPP in affordable housing project is very few and success stories are less. Therefore the aim of this paper is to identify and analyze the critical success factors for successful implementation of PPP in AH projects. A questionnaire was designed and circulated to various respondents to obtain information about various PPP projects and information is analyzed by using RII method. In developing India, we are faced with the problems of infrastructure and shelter to accommodate growing migration of the people to urban areas. There is huge shortage of houses in developing cities. This shortage is growing despite best efforts by the Government and the private sector. Problem of availability of large magnitude of funds cannot be handled either by Government or by Private Sector independently. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is right approach to address this problem. The Public Private Partnership means a project based on concession agreement between a government authority on one side and private sector on other side for delivering services on payment of user charges. Through PPP there are various benefits such as quality of work improves with effective cost also the projects are completed without delay so directly it saves the funds.

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