Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Estimating Unmet Housing Demand and Priority Areas for Public and Affordable Housing

The Western Australian Department of Communities (WA DoC) operates across the housing continuum with a focus on increasing the range and diversity of affordable housing options for people on low to moderate incomes. The WA DoC provides public housing for those most in need; land and affordable housing opportunities; low deposit home loans through Keystart; assistance to access the private rental market; and homes in regional areas for government employees and other key workers so that they can deliver necessary services to their communities. As set out in the strategy for affordable housing (Department of Housing, 2015) the WA DoC aims to provide at least 30,000 affordable housing opportunities by 2020 to help low-to-moderate income earners have a place to call home. To enable the provision of housing where it is needed, it is necessary to understand where current demand is located, the scale of that demand, and how much the demand is likely to change over time. Having this information, along with other contextual information, facilitates the decision-making process being grounded on an evidence base.

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