Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing ACASH

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Document Type General
Publish Date 20/12/2018
Published By Shelter Cluster
Edited By Tabassum Rahmani


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Document Type: General
Publish Date: Dec-18
Primary Author: Enrique Sevillano Gutierrez, Victoria Murtagh, Eugénie Crété
Edited By: Tabassum Rahmani
Published By: Shelter Cluster

All over the world, societies have managed to produce, adapt and develop their habitat according to their needs, interests, aspirations, preferences and abilities, making the best use of locally available materials. Strategies developed take advantage of natural resources to protect against the destructive forces of nature and have always generated rich and varied knowledge at local levels. (Re)discovering the intelligence of local architectures and analyzing their associated practices is often very useful in the process of designing disaster resistant architectures in accordance with build back safer principles, but also to adapt to contemporary lifestyles and their evolution, to respect the local environment and culture and to conform to the technical and economic capacities of local populations.

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