Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
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Eurocites Position Paper on Affordable Housing

Affordability in housing represents one of the main challenges that European cities share today in order to achieve social cohesion. Affordable housing may have different forms, depending on national and local conditions; it is, however,  generally understood as “permanent accommodation for individuals and families who cannot otherwise access or afford free-market housing”. This includes specific target groups as well as wider defined target groups, as described in this paper. In general, a well-defined policy on affordable housing contributes to achieving social cohesion objectives, by helping to prevent segregation and the emergence of social or ethnic ghettoes.

Planning powers differ significantly from city to city but are in general characterised by a national framework and local responsibility (either via physical planning or by control of both the physical and the social infrastructure). This paper also investigates regional and strategic partnerships, especially in urban regeneration programmes and experiences with public participation. Recommendations made in the final section include increasing public control over building land, introducing the principle of subsidiarity into national planning systems, and promoting citizen participation. Quality standards tools can be enhanced through legislation, subsidies and by stimulating owner and resident initiatives.



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