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Gender Issues in Employment, Underemployment and Incomes in Fiji

The overall educational profiles of the Economically Active Females and Males are quite similar in terms of the proportions of their groups with the highest educational attainment, although younger working Females have a significantly better educational profile than older working Females. Females are only 31% of those regarded as “Economically Active”. Fiji’s Female Labour Force Participation Rate of 37% compares unfavorably with 46% for Mauritius, 51% for Trinidad and Tobago, and 67% for Australia. Females are 99% of Household Workers, whose number is larger than the number of Female Economically Active. Female Economically Active is 26% of the total Female population (compared to 54% for Males), but the Female ratio is a major improvement from the 13% existing in 1982. For every one Economically Active Females, there are two Economically Active Males. Females comprise a large 51% of Family Workers and 77% of Community Workers, two groups who receive low incomes and are very much underemployed.

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