Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Edited By Saba Bilquis

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Housing Market Landscape Assessment Report

The housing market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been well dwelt upon, but unfortunately not from a holistic approach. The rise of the housing issues, increasing population, and the constitution fabric of the population (with almost 58% of the population below 24 years of age in 2007) necessitate a different approach in order to properly assess the main issues at hand. Until recently, the only complete study made was the 2004 census which by its own does not cover the housing sector. Most remaining studies were spearheaded by the private sector, for specific requirements and mainly covering main cities (or a specific city’s) microlevel studies. Due to the above, a pressing need came up to properly assess the housing market and identify what are the core issues that need to be addressed, what are the expected solutions, which kind of initiatives must be taken, who should assume ownership of each initiative, and whether the government should spearhead this initiative, and if so, by which government body.

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