Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document Type:General
Publish Date:April 2004
Primary Author:Asad Azfar and Aun Rahman
Edited By:Suneela Farooqi
Published By:Acumen Fund/Habtat

Social venture fund that invests in nonprofits and socially directed for profits distributing vital products and services to the poor through scalable, market oriented approaches. About housing the urban poor, one acclaimed solution has been formulated in the southern regions of Pakistan by the Incremental Housing Development Scheme, a public-private partnership between Saiban, a housing development nonprofit, and the government. Popularly called Khuda Ki Basti (City of God) by residents, the scheme is based on a study of the informal developers’ ability to create affordable housing supply. Saiban has conceived a solution that copies the capabilities of the informal sector while overcoming its debilitating deficiencies lack of legal title, sewage disposal, social services and public safety.

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