By 2050, it is expected that about 6.25 billion people, 15 percent of whom are persons with disabilities, will be living in urban centers. Urbanization has the potential to be an engineer for achieving sustainable and inclusive development for all. The current lack of environmental accessibility faced by people with disabilities, particularly in many cities in the world, presents a significant challenge. As the international community prepares for the Third Global Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), which will take place in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016, it is an apt and strategic opportunity to promote an accessible and inclusive Urban Agenda. In fulfilling the promise of a sustainable and inclusive New Urban Agenda, the work of Habitat III would be greatly supported by promoting accessibility following universal design approaches and disability inclusion. This requires strong commitments in concrete terms including inclusive urban policy, regulatory norms and standards, universal design approach planning, allocation of necessary resources, and a broad-based partnership that involves and engages all community members, including persons with disabilities.
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Author | Working is in progress in ACASH |
Published By | Check Laterr |
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