Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 08/03/2007
Author Florida Housing Coalition
Published By Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Edited By Saba Bilquis

A Guidebook for Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Members and Local Government Staff

A Guidebook for Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Members and Local Government Staff

Guidebook for Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Members


The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) Guidebook serves as a comprehensive resource for members of the AHAC and local government staff involved in the development of affordable housing in Florida. This guidebook outlines the statutory requirements, processes, and incentive strategies necessary to facilitate affordable housing projects, ensuring that local governments can effectively address housing needs within their communities.

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Purpose and Audience

The guidebook emphasizes the importance of regulatory reform and incentive programs to attract private-sector development of affordable housing. It is mandated for cities and counties receiving funding from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program to establish an AHAC. The committee’s primary role is to recommend housing strategies that incentivize affordable housing development, which are then submitted for approval to local governing bodies and integrated into the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP)

The intended audience includes:

  • AHAC Members
  • Local Government Planning Staff
  • SHIP Administrators
  • Local Government Administrators and Elected Officials
  • Affordable Housing Stakeholders

By providing detailed information on statutory responsibilities and various incentive strategies, the guidebook aims to equip these stakeholders with the knowledge required to enhance affordable housing initiatives in their areas.

Overview of Key Sections

Florida Comprehensive Plan Housing Element

This section discusses the integration of local comprehensive plan housing elements, which require local governments to provide adequate housing for current and anticipated populations, including special needs groups. The William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act is highlighted as a legislative response to concerns about unfunded mandates, creating a dedicated revenue source for affordable housing

Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Overview

The guidebook outlines the structure, composition, and responsibilities of the AHAC. It details how local government staff can support the committee’s efforts in promoting affordable housing strategies through collaboration and effective communication.

Preparing the AHAC Report

This section guides drafting the AHAC report, emphasizing the importance of consensus decision-making and community input. It encourages AHAC members to engage in collaborative discussions to ensure diverse perspectives are represented in their recommendations.

Steps in the Review Process

The review process for the AHAC report is meticulously outlined, detailing essential steps such as scheduling meetings, drafting reports, approving recommendations during public hearings, and submitting reports to governing bodies and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation.

AHAC Report Timeline

Timelines for producing the AHAC report are specified, along with public notice requirements and suggested meeting schedules. This section underscores the importance of adhering to deadlines to maintain transparency and accountability in the process.

General Recommendations for Incentive Strategies

This section presents general recommendations for developing incentive strategies aimed at promoting affordable housing. It also discusses statutory requirements that must be met to qualify projects as “affordable housing”.

Detailed Incentive Strategies

A significant portion of the guidebook is dedicated to specific incentive strategies that local governments can implement. These include:

  • Expedited development approval processes
  • Impact fee modifications
  • Flexibility in density regulations
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Transportation hubs and transit-oriented development

Each strategy is accompanied by examples illustrating how different jurisdictions have successfully implemented these incentives

Distinguishing Between AHAC Report and LHAP

The relationship between the AHAC report and LHAP is clarified, with emphasis on how recommendations from the AHAC are incorporated into the LHAP. This section also discusses the amendment process for updating the LHAP based on adopted recommendations.

Beyond Incentive Strategies

In addition to considering specific incentive strategies, this section explores other potential responsibilities of the AHAC, such as enhancing existing strategies, conducting community outreach, monitoring ongoing assistance programs, and providing input on SHIP procedures.


The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee or AHAC Guidebook serves as an essential tool for facilitating affordable housing development in Florida. Providing clear guidelines on forming committees, preparing reports, understanding statutory requirements, and implementing effective incentive strategies, empowers local governments and stakeholders to address housing challenges effectively. The emphasis on collaboration among various entities ensures that diverse community needs are considered in developing sustainable housing solutions.

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