Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Publish Date 30/12/2019
Author Hakim Ouansafi
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Hawai‘i Housing Planning Study, 2019

It is a comprehensive assessment of housing markets in Hawaii. Since,1997, HHPS has included a housing projection to support housing planning in Hawaii and it published a list of housing issues. In 2019, HHPS includes the influence of access to public transportation and mass transit on preferred housing locations and special finance options for home buyers. They have worked in the field of homeless people and the purpose of this agency is to provide the current situation of the housing in Hawaii to their housing planners for housing demand, housing supply, housing prices, affordable housing, and needed housing units.  The State has developed an inventory system of all residential housing units in the year 2019 and also a statewide survey was to be held to measure resident opinions and evaluations of current housing conditions as well as their plans to move to a new unit. In 2019, the projection method was updated to incorporate projected elements included housing units, housing demand, housing production, and housing price. The State is also taking an estimate of needed units by income group through the year 2025.

The purpose of the 2019 HHPS report is to provide housing planners with contemporary data on the housing situation in Hawai‘i to support planning activity. Reported here is research conducted from January through August 2019. Included in this study are housing demand, housing supply, housing prices, affordable housing, and needed housing units. Findings are fully supported by analysis of data from both the Housing Demand Survey and numerous secondary data sources, including the United States Census Bureau and Hawai‘i’s Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, among others. The State report is a summary of data collected from all study methods and across all counties.

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