Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date06/09/2013
Published ByInstitute of Sustainable Development and Architecture Bond University Queensland Australia
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

High Density High Rise Low-Income Housing in Sri Lanka

A house is a basic and fundamental human need. In a literal sense, a house provides warmth, shelter and security. Beyond its physical nature, the concept of ‘ house’ is deeply ingrained in human civilization as the space where the institution of family is nurtured. It is a place that reflects a person’s identity, living conditions, human values, aspirations, future expectations and one’s social and cultural identity. This situation is common in developing counties, especially in urban areas. The thesis is motivated by a sincere effort to practically address the problems of housing in the city of Colombo, in particular the scarcity of habitable housing for low-income people.

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