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Edited By Sayef Hussain

Hong Kong Public Housing Production Forecast

Hong Kong Public Housing Production Forecast

Hong Kong Public Housing Production Forecast

According to the forecast as of June 2024, the estimated total public housing production by the Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society in the five years from 2024/25 to 2028/29 is about 146 800 flats, comprising about 96 300 public rental housing/Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (PRH/GSH) flats and about 50 500 other subsidised sale flats (SSFs).

Hong Kong Housing Authority - Sustainable Housing
Hong Kong public housing

As compared to the estimate under the Long-Term Housing Strategy Annual Progress Report 2023 (i.e. the forecast as at September 2023), the overall five-year production from 2024/25 to 2028/29 was increased by about 5,000 flats, mainly benefited from design refinement or approved relaxation of development restrictions of individual projects, etc.

As compared to the last quarter (i.e. the forecast as at March 2024), the overall five-year production remains unchanged.

The yearly public housing production is mainly determined by the land supply each year from the Government for public housing development as well as the progress of individual projects, and cannot be assumed as the average of the total five-year production.

The actual completion of individual projects may be affected by factors such as site constraints, inclement weather, progress of contractors, labour and materials supply of the construction industry, external factors and the need to comply with the latest buildings requirements, etc. The yearly housing production is therefore subject to adjustments accordingly. We will continue monitoring the progress of projects to facilitate timely completion.

Sites for public housing development expected for completion in the second five-year period (i.e. 2029-30 to 2033-34) are mostly at the planning, engineering or architectural design stage. This table sets out the latest estimated land availability years for these sites, which have been categorised based on the latest situation.

The estimated overall public housing production will reach 264,300 flats, which is higher than that of the last second five-year period announced last year (i.e. 232,400 flats for 2028-29 to 2032-33). Upon handing over of the sites to the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) or the Hong Kong Housing Society (HS), the construction works is expected to take about four to five years but may vary depending on the conditions of individual sites.

To save time, HA and HS will carry out pre-construction preparatory tasks, including planning brief formulation, detailed design, site investigations and tender invitations, in parallel with the land production processes mentioned above, such that the construction works can be commenced as soon as possible after the sites are handed over to HA and HS.

A  graphic presentation of statistics of Hong Kong  Housing Authority 2011 based on population, land domestic households, average domestic household size, stock of permanent residential flats and production of permanent residential flats.

Elderly Households refer to households with all household members aged 60 or above. The Floor Area of HA rental flats and HOS/PSPS/MIHS flats (exclude flats put up for sale but not yet completed and flats completed but not yet put up for sale) is expressed in internal floor area and saleable area respectively.

Internal floor area refers to the area of a flat measured to the internal face of the flat’s enclosing and/or party walls. Saleable area refers to the area of a flat measured to the external face of the flat’s enclosing walls and to the centre line of the flat’s party walls.

For more: Public Housing Production Forecast of Housing Authority


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