Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Publish Date 03/06/2020
Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Hope Affordable Housing Biennial Plan FY 2019-20 & 2020-21

Increased housing demands for the future, as well as the current need for affordability, and innovative solutions to ongoing housing and community development issues throughout all areas of the County. The Strategies below represent the most needed and widely accepted uses of Federal, State, and Local funds for community improvement, self-sufficiency, and affordable housing programs. The following strategies include increased opportunities for affordable housing, homelessness prevention, expanding economic opportunities, and improving neighborhoods. The Plan provides guidance on the use of County and leveraged resources to address these important issues.

To increase the number of affordable housing units to address the needs of the very low, and moderate-income households while increasing opportunities for persons living in affordable housing. To expand production of and preserve affordable housing while leveraging other public and private funding to maximize the efforts to increase or expand the number of affordable housing units. To support the Housing Element of Hillsborough County’s Comprehensive Plan specific to affordable housing, and to further the goals and objectives of the Local Housing Assistance Plan, and the Consolidated Plan to expand the economic impact in all areas of the County.

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