Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Publish Date 11/04/2022
Published By Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
Edited By Sayef Hussain

Factors Affecting Housing Affordability in Ethiopia

Factors Affecting Housing Affordability in Ethiopia

The attached document provides an in-depth analysis of the factors affecting housing affordability in Ethiopia, a critical issue in a rapidly urbanizing nation. Housing affordability is a key indicator of urban development and social equity, yet Ethiopia faces significant challenges in meeting the housing needs of its growing population. This study explores various socio-economic, cultural, and policy-driven factors that influence affordability and proposes a theoretical model to address these issues. The study identifies key variables and external influences shaping housing affordability by comparing Ethiopia’s housing landscape with other African nations such as Kenya and Nigeria. Below is a rewritten version of the document in a natural style, structured for clarity and conciseness.

Factors Affecting Housing Affordability in Ethiopia


Housing affordability is a cornerstone of urban development, reflecting the socio-economic well-being of a population. In Ethiopia, particularly in its capital Addis Ababa, housing has been a persistent challenge since the city’s establishment. Despite government efforts to introduce policies aimed at affordable housing, no comprehensive model exists to address Ethiopia’s unique affordability context. This study examines the factors influencing housing affordability in Ethiopia through comparative analysis and theoretical frameworks, offering insights into how socio-economic dynamics and external variables interact to shape housing access.

Defining Affordability

Affordability is broadly defined as the ability of households to secure housing without exceeding their financial capacity or willingness to pay. It encompasses both quantitative factors (e.g., income levels, household size, loan terms) and qualitative factors (e.g., education level, job stability, marital status). The interplay of these elements determines whether individuals can afford adequate housing that meets their needs.

Factors Influencing Housing Affordability

The study categorizes the factors affecting affordability into two main groups:

1. External Factors

  • Land Acquisition Costs: High costs for land acquisition significantly inflate housing prices.
  • Infrastructure Costs: Expenses for on-site and off-site infrastructure development add to overall housing costs.
  • Borrowing Rates: High interest rates on loans make financing inaccessible for low-income groups.
  • Government Subsidies: Inadequate or poorly targeted subsidies fail to alleviate affordability challenges.

2. Internal Factors

Internal factors are primarily linked to the socio-economic conditions of individuals or households:

  • Income Levels: Higher income correlates with greater affordability due to financial stability.
  • Household Size: Larger families face higher expenses for essentials like food and education, reducing their ability to allocate funds for housing.
  • Dependents: A higher number of dependents outside the nuclear family further strains financial resources.
  • Employment Stability: Loss of regular income due to job instability directly impacts affordability.
  • Education Levels: Higher education often leads to better employment opportunities and increased earning potential.
  • Marital Status: Married individuals often experience reduced affordability due to additional household expenses unless both spouses contribute financially.
  • Phase in Life Cycle: Younger individuals tend to rent due to limited financial resources, while older individuals may downsize or rent for financial reasons.

Comparative Analysis with Kenya and Nigeria

To contextualize Ethiopia’s situation, the study compares its housing market with those of Kenya and Nigeria. Key findings include:

Affordability Factor Kenya (Mean Rating) Nigeria (Mean Rating)
Loss of Regular Income 93.25% 62%
Loan Amount 92.50% 62%
Construction Costs 88.50% 54%
Land Value 88% Not Rated
Household Size Not Rated 62%

The comparison reveals that while certain factors like income levels and household size are universally significant, regional differences in economic conditions and policy frameworks lead to varying impacts on affordability.

Theoretical Frameworks on Housing Affordability

The study draws on three prominent theories to understand housing affordability:

  1. Thomas Hojrup’s Life-Mode Theory:
    • Identifies three life modes—self-employed, wage-earner, and career-oriented—that influence housing preferences based on work-life integration.
  2. Mary Douglas’ Sub-Culture Theory:
    • Highlights how cultural attitudes toward competition, equity, and hierarchy affect perceptions of affordable housing.
  3. Pierre Bourdieu’s Lifestyle Theory:
    • Explores how socio-behavioural routines and past experiences shape individuals’ housing choices.

These theories emphasize the importance of integrating cultural and behavioural dimensions into any affordable housing model.

Proposed Affordability Model

Based on insights from Ethiopia and other African nations, the study proposes a theoretical model incorporating internal socio-economic variables and external market dynamics. Key components include:

  • Targeted subsidies for low-income groups.
  • Policies promoting job stability and income growth.
  • Incentives for private sector investment in affordable housing.
  • Enhanced access to education and skill development programs.


Housing affordability remains a critical challenge in Ethiopia’s urbanization journey. While external factors like land costs and borrowing rates play a significant role, internal socio-economic variables such as income levels, household size, and employment stability are equally impactful. By adopting a multi-faceted approach that integrates cultural insights with economic strategies, Ethiopia can develop a robust model for affordable housing that meets the needs of its diverse population. This study underscores the need for collaborative efforts between policymakers, private developers, and community stakeholders to create sustainable solutions that address both immediate needs and long-term goals.

For further reading:
Access To Housing Finance In Ethiopia: A Case Study Of Addis …
Examining Rental Housing Affordability Among Eastern Ethiopian …

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