Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 17/01/2020
Author Peggy Bailey
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Housing and Health Partners can Work Together to Close the Housing Affordability Gap

The people have safe access and affordable housing will support their physical and mental health. A number of households are struggling to pay the rent, actually, they not only face financial and housing instability but they are also at heightened risk for a host of negative health outcomes. As you know that homeless people are struggling to eat nutritious food and they do have not good health. The housing costs may force families to live in housing or neighborhoods that are extensive with health and safety risks. Health stakeholders should make modest but important programmatic contributions to directly expanding access to affordable housing.  The evidence shows that housing stability can affect health care costs, access and outcomes are affordable housing combined with intensive coordinated services can lower participants’ health care costs.

Health stakeholders can make modest but important programmatic contributions to directly expanding access to affordable housing. On the direct access front, state Medicaid programs and managed care organizations can pay for housing-related support services such as housing location services, eviction prevention (such as negotiating with landlords and assistance with personal budgeting), and tenant rights and responsibilities training — efforts that can help prevent a loss of housing or assist families in finding more suitable housing quickly. Hospitals can use their various assets, including land, investment portfolios, community benefit resources, and data capacity to make strategic financial investments in housing.5 Managed care and hospital systems are also finding ways to make strategic financial investments to develop affordable housing — investments that can yield a small return for the health entity investor and add needed housing stock. Finally, communitybased services providers (such as behavioral health clinics and social services agencies) and local public health departments can partner with housing providers to improve the condition of public and affordable housing properties, deliver individualized home-based support services, and target community health programs to low-income residents.

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