Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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China: Housing and Urban Upgrading in Yantai

The document is on upgrading China’s rapidly increasing market-based housing system, assimilation of builders and developers in the act of providing increasing requirements housing, and high rises particularly necessitated after the introduction of housing and affordable housing reforms in the late ‘80s and ‘90s. The global housing crisis, especially in the developing world, is getting worse by the day making the right to adequate shelter a quest that is becoming more and more difficult to meet, despite the targets set by the Millennium Development Goals. This mission to Yantai was very short, consisting of three days of interviews and one day’s site visits. This short duration is of course dwarfed by China’s exceptional achievements. Documenting every aspect of that miracle is outside the scope of this report, which focuses on a small aspect, housing and urban upgrading in Yantai.

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