This paper reviews the past and current housing delivery programmes in Nigeria and analyzed the demand and supply issues. The paper examined factors responsible for high housing pricing trends, it state the constraints and challenges in accessing housing. The paper ascertains guiding principles for implementation towards quality housing delivery, and it identifies the various housing delivery mechanisms in current practice and suggests a holistic programme to address the huge housing shortage in Nigeria. The study addresses the problem of housing delivery systems, the supply and the demand issues with a view to inform policy on housing provision structure.
In a developing country like Nigeria, the housing problem basically relates to quantitative and qualitative insufficiencies. On the supply side, various government strategies in the past have been formulated towards overcoming the enormous shortage through several housing reform programmes. Despite these past efforts, housing continues to be a mirage to ordinary Nigerian. Presently, there are various mass housing delivery programmes such as the affordable housing scheme that utilise the public–private partnership effort and numerous private finance initiative models that could only provide for about 3 % of the required stock. This suggests the need for a holistic solution in approaching the problem