Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Edited By Tabassum Rahmani

Housing Development in Malaysia

The housing development will be the main point to be discussed in this paper. The paper aims to examine general review on housing development in Malaysia especially in providing justifications of strategies and policies involved in housing development since before independence. This is because housing strategies and policies have played role in creating and shaping today’s
development and at the same time moving towards more comprehensive strategies of housing development. The paper also illustrates on the changes made by the Malaysia Government towards housing development through policies involved.

All human being have basic needs for somewhere to live which provide shield against risky external environment. Variations in climate, weather, criminality, government policy as well as land availability and material of construction will influence varies between different locations and areas of shelter (Reed & Sims, 2015). The National Housing Department (2010) also stated that a house is a basic need as it is “shelter for all” and the government is looking forward to ensure that all Malaysians are able to own a house or at least rent a house. Living in unhappy neighbourhood degrades the effects of family poverty on individual health, educational, economy as well as other indicators of well-being (Centre for the Study of Social Policy, 2011). In general, housing development is very important in assuring quality of life for population around the world. Malaysia’s government and private developers are the main drivers in developing good housing and shelters for people. Affordability also influenced the ability of individual or family in owning and renting a house.

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