Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Housing for older people globally What are best practices?

The shelter is a basic need, and the nature and suitability of older people’s housing are key determinants of their well-being. While considerable knowledge exists on configurations of older households, or older people’s living arrangements, comparatively little is known of the physical nature of their shelter and how adequate or suitable it may be for the older occupants. Indeed, as people grow older their functionality and needs may change, and some may require a more supportive environment and care. While some older people may have an array of housing options from which to choose, for a variety of reasons, including socioeconomic, others may have few, or lack options.

National policy on housing for older people, where it exists, varies across countries and shapes housing provision and levels of care/support, such as they are, for this population. Essentially, the such policy indicates or prescribes which sectors, institutions and/or agencies, both public and private, have responsibility for the provision and management of housing; how the housing and care services are regulated; and the criteria for admission to different types of public housing. Although few countries have specific, comprehensive policies on housing for older people, all make some provision for the shelter and care of vulnerable and indigent older individuals, particularly those in need of frail care.

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