Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Publish Date 07/06/2017
Author Updating by ACASH is in process
Published By International Journal of Development and Sustainability
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

An Assessment of the Housing Policy Performance

An Assessment of the Housing Policy Performance


Housing is a fundamental human need, yet for many low-income earners, it remains an elusive goal. The problems of housing provision and management for this vulnerable group have persisted over the years, despite numerous policy directives and ambitious goals. This paper examines the effectiveness of public sector intervention in housing development for low-income earners, particularly in Lagos, Nigeria. It highlights the ongoing challenges and proposes a paradigm shift towards sustainable housing development through social housing initiatives.
An Assessment of the Housing Policy Performance

The Current State of Housing Policy for Low-Income Earners

The Historical Context and Policy Objectives

Over the years, various governments have introduced policy directives aimed at improving housing conditions for low-income earners. One notable example was the ambitious goal of achieving “housing for all by the year 2000.” However, sixteen years after this target year, the problem of inadequate and unaffordable housing persists, reaching a critical state. This section explores the historical context of housing policies and the objectives set forth by policymakers.

The Reality on the Ground

Despite the existence of numerous policy directives, the reality on the ground remains grim for low-income earners. The current housing provision and management practices in Lagos are inadequate, leaving a significant portion of the population living in substandard and unaffordable housing. This section examines the current state of housing for low-income earners, highlighting the gap between policy objectives and actual outcomes.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Public Sector Intervention

Methodology and Data Collection

To assess the effectiveness of public sector intervention in housing development, this paper employs a combination of interviews and secondary data analysis. The interviews were conducted with key stakeholders, including government officials, housing experts, and low-income earners themselves. Secondary data sources include government reports, academic studies, and relevant literature on housing policy.

Factors Contributing to Policy Ineffectiveness

The paper identifies several factors that have contributed to the ineffectiveness of housing policies for low-income earners. These include inadequate funding, poor implementation, and a lack of coordination among various stakeholders. This section critically examines these factors and their impact on housing provision and management.

The Role of Institutional Framework

The institutional framework within which housing policies are implemented plays a crucial role in determining their success or failure. The paper argues that the current institutional framework in Lagos is not conducive to effective housing provision for low-income earners. This section discusses the role of the institutional framework and suggests areas for improvement.

The Need for a Paradigm Shift

The Limitations of Current Practices

The paper posits that the current housing provision and management practices in Lagos require a paradigm shift. The existing practices, characterized by unattainable goals and ineffective implementation, have failed to address the housing needs of low-income earners. This section highlights the limitations of current practices and the urgent need for a new approach.

The Potential of Social Housing Development

Social housing development is proposed as a viable solution to the housing crisis facing low-income earners in Lagos. This section explores the potential of social housing initiatives to provide affordable and sustainable housing solutions. It examines successful social housing programs in other regions and discusses how similar initiatives could be implemented in Lagos.

Key Elements for Successful Implementation

To ensure the success of social housing development initiatives, several key elements must be considered. These include adequate funding, effective implementation, and strong coordination among stakeholders. This section outlines the key elements necessary for the successful implementation of social housing programs.


The persistent problem of inadequate and unaffordable housing for low-income earners in Lagos requires urgent attention. This paper has highlighted the limitations of current housing policies and practices and proposed a paradigm shift towards social housing development. By adopting a new approach that prioritizes affordability, sustainability, and effective implementation, it is possible to achieve sustainable housing development for low-income earners in Lagos.
For further reading and research on this topic, the following external links provide valuable insights and data on housing policies and initiatives:
By examining these resources, policymakers and stakeholders can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in housing policy and work towards creating a more equitable and sustainable housing environment for all.

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