Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Canada: Implementing the Open Door Affordable Housing Program

This report fulfills City Council’s December, 2015 request for the City Manager to report on the financial and administrative implications of the Open Door Affordable Housing Program. Open Door is a program where the City contracts/secures affordable housing through a co-ordinated approach to financial incentives, funding, planning approvals and activation of public and private land. Implementation matters addressed in this report are a multi-year affordable housing investment plan to meet targets, The streamlining of application processes for City affordable housing funding and incentives, Expanded planning supports, such as the new Open Door Service application review process, and Annual reporting on performance toward achieving targets.Concurrent reports recommend the approval of a number of Open Door pilot projects that were reported to Council in December 2015. The program’s success is premised on ongoing federal/provincial housing investments and the scaling up of the capacity of the non-profit and private housing sectors to participate and produce affordable housing. In this regard the recent 2016 federal and provincial budgets provide important new funding sources for affordable housing.

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