Incentive Zoning Research & Analysis
As part of Prince William County’s Comprehensive Plan update process, the County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution to initiate amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to create an Affordable Dwelling Unit Ordinance (ADU). In support of that initiative, EPR, PC has been asked to conduct a variety of research and analysis tasks to explore strategic options for addressing the critical need for affordable housing in the County. This paper explores the mechanism of Incentive Zoning, its legal basis, examples of its implementation in peer communities, and potential implications for its deployment to incentivize the provision of affordable housing units in Prince William County.
Incentive zoning is an established and time-tested mechanism within zoning that generally permits developers to receive benefits to their project in exchange for benefits to the community. It can be used for a wide variety of community purposes, such as obtaining donations of land for public purposes, provision of open space, design enhancements, or the provision of affordable housing.
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