Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date26/09/2013
AuthorSally Scott, Jerry Anthony, and Steven Williams
Published ByPublic Policy Center, University of Iowa
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Increasing Affordable Housing in Iowa City

In communities where residents find it increasingly difficult to afford housing, and existing public, private and nonprofit programs are unable to close the gap, inclusionary zoning is a useful way to engage new resources in the creation of affordable housing. It works best as one approach among several. Inclusionary zoning supports a primary goal of the Iowa City Affordable Housing Location Model: diverse neighborhoods with residents at a range of income levels. he Iowa City area is fortunate to have several highly motivated non-profit and for-profit affordable housing developers. While these organizations are highly capable, they lack the resources required to put a major dent in the region’s unmet affordable housing need. Clearly, additional mechanisms are needed to expand the production of affordable housing.

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